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  • Various Writers

Oconee Enterprise Editor Prochaska wrote an interesting article "Political stereotypes must end."

October 14, 2021.

Editor Prochaska gave two examples for both political parties. Democrats defunding the police, and Republicans community journalism enemy of the people. Prochaska wrote, “Journalism is about community building and holding elected officials accountable for their actions… the right (Republicans) throwing shade at journalists… We should be able to put aside our differences and still be friends.”

Is Prochaska, as a community journalism, an enemy of Oconee County. No! We know from his post that he used every negative adjective to describe former Mayor Bob Smith, and not once used a negative comment for former Pro Tem Brian Brodrick/OSB Board member and his City Manager. Picking out phrases from someone and only print those chosen words does a disservice. I personally know!

(1) Prochaska didn’t investigate and report on Oconee State Bank constructing parking spaces on Chestnut Street without purchasing it. Nothing was printed about why Brodrick and Dickerson allowed OSB to start and complete its construction on Chestnut Street. HAS OCONEE STATE BANK CONSTRUCTED PARKING SPACES ON CHESTNUT STREET WITHOUT PURCHASING IT (

(2) Prochaska didn’t investigate and report on why Brodrick gave unelected Dickerson unfettered power to close all City accounts from 3 banks, move the accounts to OSB without first obtaining authority, then create a committee of 4 nonresidents to determined Board member Brodrick’s bank should receive the accounts, and then go to the City Council to get authority to move the funds to Brodrick’s bank. Cart before the horse. Why did City Manager Dickerson move all City accounts to Oconee State Bank? (

(3) Prochaska didn’t investigate and report on why after 18-years sitting on the Council, Brodrick allow Harris Shoals Park to decay and rot to the point of being unsafe for families and children to use. Now in 2020 when an organization offered 2 $million plus to build their own park on a portion of HSP, Brodrick jumps at the money. CAN SAFETY OF WATKINSVILE CHILDREN AFFORD ANOTHER YEAR OF MAYOR BRADRICK IN OFFICE (

(4) Prochaska didn’t investigate and report on Brodrick’s City Manager Dickerson not complying with the deficiencies listed in the Rushton Independent Auditor’s Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting and on Compliance. If Dickerson can, without authority, moved millions of City revenue from bank to bank, why does the Rushton report year-after-year report management saying they are in compliance. Dickerson has had two-years as City Administrator and 2-years as City Manager to correct these same deficiencies, yet has failed in that important responsibility. Is Watkinsville Getting its bang for the buck by hiring a $92,000 a years City Manager? (

(5) Prochaska didn’t investigate and report on City Manager Dickerson cutting Chief Executive Officer Mayor Smith out of a private unauthorized email negotiation she had with contractor C.W. Matthews that was contrary to what she informed the Mayor and Council. DID CITY MANAGER DICKERSON MAKE AN UNAUTHORIZED NEGOTIATION BEHIND MAYOR'S BACK (

Is Prochaska doing a disservice by being bias and one sided in reporting important information to the community and not holding our elected officials accountable. Going over some of the past articles written, I’ve discovered if Prochaska had done a thorough investigation on Brodrick’s and Dickerson’s comments, especially Mayor Smith’s comments, it would be clearer as to what the truth really is. So how accountable did Prochaska hold Brodrick and Dickerson.

After watching President Trump point out the medias’ bias I understand how he feels. The Oconee County community deserves better journalism. News flash, the media has created their stereotype.



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