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  • Various Writers


After 18 years long years as a Councilmember, Brian Brodrick wants to be elected as Mayor. On September 5, 2021, I visited Harris Shoals Park where families and their children were enjoying a beautify Sunday.

What I saw is an unsafe park that hasn’t been taken care of by Brodrick as a Councilmen or his present and past minions; Chuck Garrett, Connie Massey, Bret Thomas, Christine Tucker, Jeff Campbell, Marci Campbell, Mike Huff, and Dan Matthews. The busted concrete tables and rotten boards in the playground area could kill or cripple a small child.

Busted concrete table slab

Why would any responsible councilmember allow our park to deteriorate into this condition? For safety reasons it should have been closed years ago.

Along comes a large organization, ESP, and Brodrick allowed ESP to take over a portion of our small Harris Shoals Park investing $millions on their portion. The 2,900 residents are footing tens of thousands plus to its project along with its yearly upkeep expense. So now that Brodrick’s up for reelection, he wants to finally throw a few scraps our way after ignoring us for 18 years. This rusted metal trash receptacle could

cause a serious infection to a child.

Brodrick can allow his Oconee State Bank to take over Chestnut Street without it being abandoned and sold to the bank, but he could not find funds to repair the ballfield's dugout concrete floor that has sunk in the middle to over one foot?

All City revenue since 2020 does flow through Oconee State Bank where Brodrick sits as a Board member. His City Manage, a position he created and hired, had without authority closed all other accounts in other banks and move the revenue accounts into his bank. So all City business dealings now flow through Brodrick's bank. Also add to that the Oconee State Bank had not paid any interest on City revenue accounts since 2015 up until 2020.

Brodrick created and hired a $96,000 a year unnecessary and unwanted City Manager position but he could not find funds to build a ball field score board?

What I see is money and power that trumps the safety of Watkinsville and Oconee County Residents… CAN WATKINSVILLE RESIDENTS AFFORD ANY MORE YEARS WITH BRIAN BRODRICK IN OFFICE?

Bench in the play area

Brodrick approved large corporations space to build on, but he could not find another space to dump wood chips other than in our park?

Brodrick spend $tens of thousands helping the County build its own library, but he could not find funds to repair our ballfield announcer's booth?

Brodrick built a $69,000 unnecessary and unwanted pedestrian bridge on Harden Hill Road, but he could not find funds to repair the dilapidated bridge in our park?

Brodrick built a beautiful visitors' bathroom behind the Court House, but he allows the residents to use this one in our park?

Roof of the park's bulletin board in our park.

Ball field first base, now of hard torn rubber which could break an ankle if slid into.

Banks of the stream are now overgrown with brush.

Children's play area.

If a family want to enjoy an evening swinging while looking over the banks of the rocky stream, they must bring their own swing to hang.

Children's play area.

Children's play area.

Concrete bridge to ball field that has never been pressure washed or sand blasted. Same type ugly bridge Brodrick built on Harden Hill Road.

If Harris Shoals Park was a house it would have be condemned several years ago. Now Brodrick promises to rebuild our park, but in reality always look at what he's done for our park in the past and not make the same mistake doesn't happen in the future. FOR THE SAFETY OF YOUR CHILDREN, DON'T ELECT BRIAN BRODRICK AS MAYOR OF WATKINSVILLE.

After 18 years of Brian Brodrick looking out for the interest of big corporations and special interest organizations, it's time to elect Rebecca Billings for Mayor of Watkinsville to look out for the residents' interest.



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