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  • Harold Henderson

Why does Councilman Brett Thomas not care about corruption in Watkinsville City Hall?

On August 23, 2021, I wrote an article in my blog ‘Make Watkinsville Livable.” The question I asked was, 'Has Oconee State Bank constructed parking spaces on Chestnut Street without purchasing it?' HAS OCONEE STATE BANK CONSTRUCTED PARKING SPACES ON CHESTNUT STREET WITHOUT PURCHASING IT (

Within the article I presented city documents and timelines. In October 2019, a plat was registered for construction. In November 2019, Council held a meeting to abandon Chestnut Street. At the meeting, a letter was presented to withdraw the request to abandon Chestnut Street. The street was never abandoned and sold to the Bank.

But after receiving the withdrawal, the City Council and City Manager allowed the Bank to go ahead with construction. Without purchasing the street, the construction plan clearly shows the Bank placed parking spaces with curbs on Chestnut Street, and a road was construct on the Banks private property next to the parking spaces. A clear picture of corruption.

On December 13, 2021, I posted on the Oconee County Conservatives (GA) Factbook Page, and article ‘Remember the Watkinsville Mayor and Council members candidates' signs were in all Main Street liberals' yards that also held the signs that supported those that hid Epstein’s crimes.’ I posted with it an article by Joel Melton, August 19, 2020.

Councilman Brett Thomas immediately jumped onto the bandwagon to object. In our dialog I listed six things that I saw wrong with the Watkinsville government and had reported on them in my blog.

From there the snowball quickly rolled down hill. One of the points was on the Chestnut Street corruption. This was Brett Thomas’ final statement on Chestnut Street:

It is inconceivable to me that a City Councilmember would show such a lack of concern about the Oconee State Bank taking over a city street that had not been abandoned and sold to the Bank and building their parking lot on it. It was never abandoned.

And yes, it bothers me when a private business has such power over City Hall… And it bothers me that Councilman Brett Thomas is so willing to turn a blind eye to such corruption.



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