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  • Harold Henderson


People love the expression ‘it’s not my dime’ when it comes to paying for something. It means the other person is picking up the tab.

When the government uses their dime, employees really love that idea. But on the opposite side of that coin is the taxpayers, the ones that are actually paying for that dime. The City Council forgot that one, apparently thinking money grows on trees.

I’m sure that the City of Watkinsville has a City Code somewhere buried deep inside their abyss of rules for not using a city credit card for partying. After all we know how they love creating codes in controlling everything in this large metropolis, especially residents’ lives.

I can’t find a Watkinsville City Code online for using City credit cards. Using a card for partying or eating at restaurants I’m sure is a no, no. They’re playing that one close to the chest.

When Mayor Shearon lost his bid for reelection, the City saw no problem in pulling out that small plastic card to give Shearon a going away party… to the tune of around $1,000. Too cheap to use their own wallet, or in some cases their own purse.

This is where I don’t see eye-to-eye with the Watkinsville City Council; “It’s a thousand dollars, and as a resident it's my dime.” Pulling that plastic out ten, fifteen, or twenty times a year for small cost items adds up quickly to a large expense. This is what the City Council is exceptionally good at. Spend and tax the 2,900 residents livelihood so they can party. Similar to Washington, creating rules that doesn't effect them.

It’s too bad that Watkinsville doesn’t have a City Administrator or City Manager that had the courage to stand up to the City Council and tell them, ‘you can’t party on the taxpayers dime.’



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